A 2-day Critical Thinking Skills course was designed and delivered to staffs of CHO TOT with the purpose of developing their knowledge & skills in thinking and solving problems so that they could think and solve problems in the workplace systematically. The training gave participants practical tools and hands-on experience. The trainer also inspired participants to use “thinking” more frequent in life and in the workplace.

The participants were divided into 4 groups. Each group of 4-5 participants was given group exercises and case study for solving. Everybody participated with energy and enthusiasm and completed the group activities with good quality of thoughts.

The participants are now more accomplished in their ability to conduct a problem analysis and have learned a number of new concepts, skills and tools relating to critical thinking, which they can now use when back in their workplace.

The objectives of the course were met successfully. Participants learnt and explored the lessons of critical thinking in practice that they can apply in the workplace. The two final steps of LEAP (Learn, Explore, Apply, and Perform) learning model are now practised in daily works as reinforced activities to ensure training success.